(Review of the early access, I doubt I'll finish it before the full game comes out, but I might play it here and there)
First off, this game will be compared a lot to the first hades in this review. While there are some aspects that this has over 1, a lot of the changes to progression and gameplay I just find lacking. OfCourse this all can change or be improved upon in the full release, and I hope that's true.
I like the changes to the combat; it feels good and fluid while keeping the basis of the first game. The axe is a really fun to use, but the rest of the weapons are not as good as it or the ones from hades 1. Also, the encounter rewards aren't as fun as the first game. From what I've played I haven't had as much fun making different builds or experimenting with boons that just might work well together. The number of boons you get feels a lot less and it doesn't feel good coming across rooms that just give you the currencies that you can only use in your next run through. I have no idea why they don't let you switch keepsakes across areas like Hades. And while I've only just finished the second area, the bosses don't feel fun to play against. I hope just for the sake of making it different, the devs don't remove the features that made Hades so fun.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
