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Didn't have mad hatter so it's fucking trash

Mad hatter is the greatest character in fiction

This game is 100% overhated people use the microtransactions as a scapegoat for being awful at the game I’ve beaten the game without spending a penny

They fucking killed hockey star

South Park duology > the trash of us duology

Haha hahaha auahahaha yo guys! Wanna hear a joke? Niko let’s go bowling hahahahahahahH GUYS GUYS YOU FINK ITZ DUSDFUNNY??? YEAYEA IS CREATIVE I’VE NEVER FUCKING HEARD IT IM LIFE!!!!

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Rip Johnny

The godfather part 3 of gaming

+good ost
+great dlc
+far more difficult than tsot
-ending doesn’t work
-multiple bugs
-no were near as funny compared to tsot
Verdict: a fun but flawed sequel 7/10