I don't know how much I really needed this remake to exist but I am glad it exists. Still not my favourite Mario RPG even with "prettying" it up and adding cutscenes and cool tri attacks. Kinda wish there was an option to go back to the pixel art but I guess with the sound option having the ability to revert the graphics would kind of defeat the purpose of a remake. Unfortunately I just don't think this kind of approach to a JRPG will ever be for me but I can recognize and appreciate how damn charming this game and the original is. Music is still one of my favourites of all time tho shoutout Yoko Shimomura.

Game has the BIGGEST most HYPE moments of any game I have ever experienced while simultaneously having some of the LOWEST most BORING stalls to a game I've ever experienced. If you love Final Fantasy in any way I would still check it out as the moments that are good in this game are SO WORTH IT. The music is obviously a significant highpoint, I don't know how much I can really say that you haven't heard or read in other reviews praising Soken. Yes it's that good. If you mainline this story and don't worry yourself with side content or any of the slower moments of the game I can see this ranking very high for me personally but as a whole just not really there unfortunately.

Cidolfus Telamon is my GOAT.

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Still a tremendous experience, If you dig Persona as a series in any way you are missing out if you don't give this a try (AT LEAST ON GAMEPASS!) The ending still hits just as hard as I remember it hitting when I first played P3FES back in the day. Maybe a hot take? I love the OST for Reload even more than I do the original. (P3's OST being my favourite of any of the Persona's) Just tremendous work all throughout but if you've played and version of Persona 3 before I'm not sure how much there is to add. If you know it you'll love it, If you don't know it I think you should give it a try and I think you'll probably love it.

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It absolutely blows me away that a re-telling/remake of Final Fantasy VII can exist in 2024 and be this damn good/have this much passion and reverence for its characters and story while also interweaving in new twists and turns. So much damn fun. Everything hits. Story, Music, Characters, Mini Games, Combat. All great. Not the "perfect" game by critic standards probably but for me personally it's pretty damn close.

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Kiryu makes Cancer his bitch 10/10