Mass Effect was a significant leap for BioWare when it released in the late 2000s.

It signified decades upon decades of progression for the company, as their lowly beginnings as die-hard DND fans as CRPG developers changed more and more as the became a household name for the XBOX 360 and PS3 generation. Mass Effect is, in many ways, the dream game for this legendary development company.

This is for a myriad of reasons, but perhaps the most instantly recognizable reason it's a dream game is its scale. Mass Effect is a game that takes you across multiple planets, each one (if we're not counting the Mako worlds) with their own unique identities, characters, and side-quests. Aiding to the overall experience, Mass Effect also contains one of the best worlds ever devised by creatives in the video game industry. The lore of the Reapers, the Protheans, and all the incredible alien races in this game make this series, and this game, video games' own Star Wars series.

With rich world building, atmosphere, characters, and story, Mass Effect was one of the most industry-defining video games of its time when it released. However, it's quality has waned considerably since it released.

I have played this game in full about five times now, once on PS3, once on the original PC port, and now twice on the Legendary Edition PC version. I can say confidently that while Mass Effect was most likely an incredible experience when it released, its combat and quality of AI has lost its luster in the years that have passed since its release.

With janky movement, really dumb AI, and frustrating vehicle controls/navigation, the modern gamer might hate playing this thing. I, however, having played it four times, absolutely love it. With an FOV mod, this game can turn into one of the snappiest Third Person Shooters if you play it right. Especially when using snipers with a mouse -- it's a lot of fun. Be warned, though -- this game plays like a 2007 company's first attempt at making an action game. You may like that, and you may hate that, but just know that it feels very dated.

But even more important than the gameplay is this game's story. Mass Effect is almost nostalgic for me, despite having played it in my late teens for the first time. it's choice-based narrative, incredible side characters, and overarching plot regarding Saren and Sovereign is unforgettable, and my favorite story in the entire series. Companions, while having VERY lackluster missions (there is only three of them once you get them on their team), are all some of the most memorable characters ever in video games. Like, hello, Garrus? Liara? Wrex? Tali? All amazing.

At the end of the day, BioWare crafted something unbelievably unique with Mass Effect. I would argue it is the most unique game world ever made for the PS3/X360 generation of consoles. While combat is almost certainly janky to handle nowadays, and the RPG elements are rudimentary, Mass Effect is an amazing intro to one of video games' most beloved stories EVER told. It, along with its sequels, are an MUST-PLAY for all gamers who enjoy single-player experiences.


Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024
