FF16 is a move toward the action combat style that the series has rarely delved into to and a sharp turn from its turn-based roots.

Whilst FF16's combat is reasonbly basic and only allows for a small combo system, its still engaging with the different powers given to Clive across his journey. The RPG elements to the game feel tacked on and almost like Square wanted to appease older fans out of worry they wouldn't buy the game.

FF16 excels to me, in its story and characters. Clive might be one of my favourite protagonists in a long time, Ben Starrs performance is stellar and you find yourself emotionally invested in him and his struggles. The story has the spectacle we've come to expect from FF games but the interpersonal character relations make for a nice contrast to the action. Jill and Clives dynamic has you rooting for them both and the world around them.

I really hope that somehow we experience more of this world as I'd love to spend more time with these characters even if the combat in the entry is weaker than others.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2024
