You ever just stumble upon a series you’ve only passively known of for years, you play it, dedicate many hours to immersing yourself in the world, and it becomes one of, if not your favorite video game franchises of all time? Yeah, mine is the funny lawyer game.

I could go on and on about all the things I love about these games, but I’ll keep it brief. I ADORE the characters. They are the stars of the show to be sure, but I just love them all to death. Well, not Director Hotti.. or Sal Manella.. or… okay MOST of them. The soundtrack is unexplainably good. Like, it’s a game about lawyers arguing with each other, why is THIS one of the greatest soundtracks to a video game??? BECAUSE WHY NOT. Though the gameplay isn’t deep, it’s still satisfying. I credit that to the iconic exclamation bubbles: “OBJECTION!” “HOLD IT!” “TAKE THAT!” And the mysteries, of course, are interesting to unravel. Not all of them are home runs, but for every Turnabout Big Top, there’s a Farewell, My Turnabout.

I know these games aren’t for everyone, and I can respect that. However, I would encourage anyone who is even remotely interested in visual novels, mysteries, great character writing, or HELL, even LAW, to give this series a try. And remember this: “The only time a lawyer can cry, is when it’s all over.”

Oh also I was lucky to fall in love with this series since I played the old, shitty iOS port. It was good enough for me I guess

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
