Impressive how much they managed to make Miles feel so different to play as compared to Peter. Lots of small improvements, venom attacks bring a whole new layer to combat and fewer gadgets (which are also far better balanced than the prior game) focus you onto integrating the venom attacks into your flow. I like being able to jump in and out of stealth with camoflage as well, along with new interesting enemies to go up against the combat is a treat.

I wish I could go back to how it felt trying the web-swinging on PS4 for the first time, it has lost it's lustre slightly but is still phenomenally fun. Miles' new animations are great for adding that little bit of freshness back to it.

The story is really well told and cast, with a nice balance between cutscenes and gameplay. Insomniac's Spiderverse is a stellar one, with some of my favourite cinematic adaptations of the series' characters. Though, somehow has some of the best and worst suit designs, especially in Miles Morales.

I still can't get used to the new Peter face though. I hope we can have a option to switch to the old one in the next game.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
