This game underwhelms in a lot of departments. Narrative, Boss Fights, Mission Variety, and a satisfying conclusion to the main campaign. The "Kill The Justice League" tagline never lives up to its' potential. The Live Service component feels incredibly detrimental to the game's vision and feels like it resulted in a lot of compromises that are sorely felt when playing in the second half of the campaign. And the monetization in this game is outright insulting. WB is easily the most out-of-touch and scummy game company in the industry at the moment.

That being said though, there is a lot I do like about the game. The visuals and presentation are absolutely nuts. The voice acting is tremendous, the writing at times is very good, 90% of these characters have never looked better in all of their years of existence, including the likes of Wonder Woman, Superman, King Shark, Harley Quinn, and Captain Boomerang. Despite not spending much time with them, this version of the Justice League left a great impression on me and I hope to see more of them in the future. The city of Metropolis is one of the most vertical and gorgeously hand-crafted concrete jungles I have ever had the pleasure of exploring. I was so amazed at times, I would stop and just walk around to soak the city in. It's a real shame that there are no actual side missions to do in this game outside of Riddler Challenges and Affiliate Missions. A huge missed opportunity to tell more stories about this unique situation.

In regards to gameplay, this is the most fun looter shooter I have ever played. It's not the best looter I have played (Borderlands 2 is still the king) due to a lack of content like missions and enemy types as well as character kits feeling a bit barebones at the moment. But the act of flying around and shooting as the 4 characters rarely got old. Traversal is so much fun and shooting shit and watching number go up make monkey brain happy. I played 50+ hours of this game solo before the feeling of monotony started to settle in, and that's because I already unlocked all of the endgame loot. So as of right now, there's nothing to do until Season 1 drops next month.

I totally understand the negativity around this game, but I had a really good time with it and it is a game that I will be coming back to when new seasons drop with new characters, missions, loot, bosses, and especially story stuff. I also am interested to see how the game improves over time as well. The story of this game is not over yet and I am really interested to see how it wraps up in the coming years. If it gets the chance to, that is.

Last note, do not buy this at $70. Wait until it's around $35 or below in a few months. The game should be much better and have a lot more to do and earn by then.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024
