I have a history with this game. Back when I was around 13, and just starting to learn English at school, we had a special class that let us use the PC Lab. On there, we took some tests during the last hour class and if we completed the test quickly, we were allowed to play the games that came pre-installed on the PC.

One of those games, was the Demo version of Dark Forces that included only the first level. I must have played that demo hundred of times. I must have explored ever nook and cranny of that level and found every secret. Up to this day I know that level like the palm of my hand.

Now, almost 24 years I was finally able to buy and complete the full game. And it was a fun and amazing as my younger self imagined it to be.

The game is not without its quirks, and the level design is totally 90's style of design (meaning, sometimes is incredible obtuse and completing a puzzle is something a matter of luck), but the pace, the action and everything else is still fantastic. I can only assume it was even more amazing back then.

Many years later, I finally beat this game, and the wait was worth it.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2024
