I'll sound bitter and snobby talking about Eliza and its thought-provoking-&-ethics-exploring plot but jeez you guys sound like you never wondered why things are so or even read the news at all.

It doesn't serve any topic that hasn't been argued or highlighted to death in media. Data collection and selling, legally sanctioned invasion of privacy (with long contrived TOS cooked up by lawyers), the itemization of humans and their feelings and properties, reckless AI or consciousness manipulation research, and a few other things. This would've been commendable a decade or so ago, but this is just yesterday's news unless you're completely oblivious.

Art direction was mostly safe in character designs, their writing tries to add depth by casually hinting that a character is asexual/lesbian or a womanizer or an addict, but that doesn't do much to help. Story progression was too slow of a burn for me but that's slightly subjective.
UI design was pretty well done even in a diegetic sense honestly. There's no more praises I can recount.

TL;DR it could be a nice narrative if you have no idea about the dark side of the tech industry, but if you know the shtick there's nothing remarkable.

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2023


8 months ago

This review honestly put the game higher up in my backlog. Even if it might be derivative in the whole scale of media, games usually have even less interesting stuff to say than those themes you mentioned tbh lol and reading the news shouldn't be a substitution for art about those same news. Idk. Well written review

8 months ago

I wouldn't say that it's derivative, it's more like that it's bluntly direct in bringing up those topics without a narrative spin. You could say that it's a super cut of many of the tech sector's faults yet instead of feeling overwhelmed, the backdrop feels so crowded that it loses its effect.
Since interest or curiosity in the subject is one of the biggest factors, I'm confident you'll end up liking it more than I did.