I can't think of angles to describe Hellblade that hadn't been already done to death in multiple video essays, but i'll try.

Senua is a character that lost for most of her life, she lost her family, she lost her way of life, and eventually she lost her lover, this final loss is the one she contests. Seeing a way to save her only living hope, she sets on her path in which you accompany her through hell and high water.

You might first think that the voices just demean and beat on you, only to discover the ways they can assist you in. There comes a line in which you doubt your senses, you doubt whether to heed their advice or ignore the voices, you live and fight and fear through senua's eyes. And that presentation was captivating.

You'll hear criticism mainly about the combat, but it makes sense from a ludo-narrative perspective once you know it, and it only adds to the intimate and overbearing quest you and senua seek to conclude.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2022
