Foreword: This was played through the 2006 Sourcenext port with REbirth mod. If you don't want the hassle of modding, the next best thing is an emulated GC copy.

RE2 has more action compared to 1, it's something akin to Dead space's 1-2 transition. That itself isn't bad, I'd take it over repeating horror tropes already put in 1. The police department could never be as ominous and foreboding as Spencer's mansion, and the increased action compliments Leon's and Claire's character building. The plot doesn't have the same weight as 1's gradual realizations, so there's an increased focus on HOW these revelations occur, and that has highs and lows.
Combat is more lenient with more ammo and more enemies as well, I wouldn't say that crimson head enemies are missing here since you're almost expected to clear some rooms compared to 1 Remake's tactical placement and strategic disposal of enemies.

I was interested in the A/B scenarios idea, but that was a missed chance to provide a shorter unique experience, instead it's simply a replay with minor item displacement and some different story events.

This could sound critical and it could be due to expectations. RE 1 was something else and while RE2 doesn't reach the same ceiling it took a deviation that is important to witness.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2023
