TL;DR: Obscene padding, horrible story, bad difficulty scaling.

While the core of zombie parkour was fun for some time, it is saddled with horrible design to the point of collapse. There's so much wrong with the game it is a masterclass of shit to avoid.
Difficulty is a big screaming error at the forefront. Playing on normal trivializes most of the combat into swinging your weapon at hordes and kicking once they get too close, but playing on hard leaps into making the enemies spongy to the point of avoidance, on paper that's supposed to lead you into learning the crafting system but that's tied into an obscene amount of looting, lock picking, and pressing Q to highlight pickups.

Mission design revolves a lot around making you dart back and forth between distances, this with the obsessive looting mechanics like lock picking and such makes it very clear how the game is designed to bloat playtime through cheap busywork.
Padding aside, quest design at best builds expectation to a dive of disappointment save for a select few missions. When it can't figure out what to do they throw more enemies at you, this with how cheese-able the game is undermines the few times the game could shine through.
Technical issues are still apparent and plentiful even in what's supposed to be the final cut of Dying light, shadows project incorrectly then jarringly rubberbands to fix itself, lip-sync is a lost cause from the first hour, graphical and audio stutters, and probably some misaligned triggers I can't care to remember

The story is just so bad it's a waste of breath to talk about.

The following DLC fixes some issues by maiming some core elements, but introduces new problems, the fucking buggy isn't worth it.

This was such a bad experience that I was relieved after deciding to stop playing. Polish studios are my black sheep of euro devs.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023
