It took me until 2024 to finish it, because I had this weird thing if it being my go to game to game for Halloween. In reality I was putting it off because I had other things I wanted to play. As it goes. I was wrong.

This review is going to be completely spoiler-free because I truly believe that this game is one of the greats of the system, and I'd recommend it to anyone who owns a Switch.

It's not going to give you the hours or share quantity of things to do that you'd get it in Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild, but it's just a good time.

The "Mansion" itself is honestly just a delight. Again no spoilers but just as you are done with a theme, you're somwhere else.

The puzzles are never too complex either, making them accessible for younger gamers, but still interesting enough that they don't feel boring. The only issue I ever had was when I thinking too hard. It's a game that gives you a toy and says go wild with it. Then rewards you for doing just that.

I could have seen myself spending hours beyond the last boss as a kid, exploring and discovering all the secrets. As an adult with a to-play list that seems to get bigger every day I was about ready to move on to the next thing without collecting every single collectible in the game. Though I do find myself tempted to use a guide to go get them just to see the fun ways they hide them.

It has co-op too. More Parent and Child or Gamer and their Partner, but none the less it adds a re-playability to it. I don't nessecarily want to play through the whole game again, but I'd love to share that experience with someone else.

Beyond the story you also get what is essentially a challenge mode in ScareScraper. Which is also good fun, even with 3 randoms through the matchmaking.

And if that weren't enough. You also get some Mario-Partyesque minigames.

Overall the game has a style and charm to it which is absolutely on brand for Nintendo. From what I've read it doesn't quite have the creepiness from the first two in the series but in my opinion its just so much personaility even without that.

Playing through this one has solidified the previous 2 games as being ones I do want to play. But maybe not right away. For now I've had my fill of bustin (however good it made me feel), but I heartily recommend it to anyone.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
