Everything that was cool about the first game was amped up for the sequel.

Again a soldier takes centre-stage. You aren't a super-soldier or a wizard, you're a frontline infantry soldier in the star wars universe. As a kid who saw Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith in the cinema, this was an absolute dream.

The campaign. Oh my god the campaign. Seeing the story of the prequels from the perspective of clone troopers is honestly worth picking up the game for alone if you're a star wars fan.

This sequel added a ton of new features including space combat maps and playable heroes from the saga that felt a lot fairer than the Jedi Hero Bonus of the original game.

Battlefront II 2017 is an okay online shooter (after the microtransaction fiasco was sorted) but this game is truly the definitive 3rd Person Star Wars shooter.

Recommended for any Star Wars fan.

Though if you are. You've probably already played it.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023
