Death's door does so much right - as if I needed more convincing, it is further evidence that indie games really are the future! Back them, fund them, share them, buy them, give them a chance, because they deserve the attention and support!

Death's door was an instant buy when I found it because conceptually it is such an easy sell, deriving its inspiration very clearly but very effectively, rooting its core design closely around dark souls and classic zelda, but with a uniquely gorgeous art style and charm. I love almost everything about it, I love the fast paced and satisfying combat, I love all of the different locations and I particularly love its well handled themes around the cycle of life & death and what it means to have purpose. Death's door wonderfully juggles an overarching sense of melancholy with a great sense of humour and a whimsical sense of exploration & discovery. Despite wearing its influences on its sleeve, i've not really played anything quite like it and that is a space that indie games fill time and time again with increasingly novel ideas.

I would like to have seen maybe a bit more enemy variety and I do wish there was some way to heal mid-combat, this felt sorely missed in the late game which has some lengthy and really challenging fights. Also, the widely zoomed out perspective and sometimes unclear levels of elevation did occasionally make parts tricky to follow. Even so, these things are small nitpicks, at the end of the day this game is fantastic and with its short length, multitude of secrets, pretty varied possible playstyles & awesome aesthetic appeal, I reckon i'll be coming back to play it again sometime!

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2023
