5 Reviews liked by Cheizi

that last fight is infuriating

a lot of people reckon that Arkham Knight is the best one. to that i say "put me in a straitjacket and take me to the ASYLUM."

This being the third time replaying the game and also having played the original, now I can see a lot of filler story beats unlike before. But damm that extra stuff really works and isn't that annoying, as filler usually is. The gameplay is super fun, the charaters are all charming and the story is really well told.
Fantasic game, platinumed it again and I had a great time doing it.

Very on the nose writing at times, and the chase sequences felt a lot like I was playing shattered memories in the sense that I barely knew where I was going and was just running around like a chicken with my head cut off. But other than that I had fun with it and I got to play it with my mom who is an old time silent hill fan and is the person who got me into the series.

And really what else matters at the end of the day. Also it's free.

This is not the greatest game ever.