Grade C: Broken

+ The road snapping is much improved, probably what most people that come from CS1 will notice. Building beautiful roads is infinitely more easier, not to mention that roundabouts are finally a viable road network solution and do not take an entire city block to make.
+ The little details put into traffic flow such as plopping individual stop signs or traffic lights are a god-send. They hired former modders to develop these features, and it shows.
+ The scale is much appreciated - everything feels much more massive. Some buildings even more so than I expected (for example, why is the cemetery the size of an entire airport if I have barely 1k residents?)
- This game has some of the WORST performance that I have seen. I played this on launch day and it was insane that 4060Ti and 5600 cannot run this game on stable 1080p@30fps. Half of my graphics settings had to go down significantly just to maintain somewhat passable framerate. Yes, this isn't a shooter and it is very much playable even on 25 fps, but come on, really?

Later, I learned that the majority of CS2 framerate problems stem from rendering nonsensical high-polygon objects at full resolution. Sounds like something only a rookie indie dev would do, right? No:

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023
