I installed this game thinking it is going to be yet another somewhat interesting 5-hour story adventure with lots of boring traversal and shoddy VA. I was completely wrong…

+ The visuals are insane. It’s just my luck I began this after finishing Robocop, another UE5 title, but where Robocop presented the hyperrealistic gritty visual pallette, here I was met with a dreamy 80s pulp scifi pallete, with exaggerated details, warm coloring and retropunk machines - none of which felt out of place or too intense. The balance between fantasyland and reality was perfectly kept.

+ The devs have absolute control over the design of the game - from the UI, to the fonts, to other elements of the game - everything blends nearly perfectly and feels very cohesive.

+ The story was surprisingly great. From the very beginning until the last moment, constant tension and mystery is sustained, each story bit never lasts too long for you to get boring, there is a surprisingly large area to explore, but everything is self-contained so you’re never asked to backtrack. The endings were satisfying and tie perfectly to the book. So much that they make the book worth reading rather than replacing it. Treat it as a great companion story to the book!

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023
