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1 day

Last played

November 19, 2021

Platforms Played


Imported from my Backloggery:

I thoroughly enjoyed DKG3. It's rife with hype-ass moments and some killer music, which allows for some really incredible action sequences. The combat was serviceable, offering some visceral fun and primal enjoyment via the progression system (which beautifully ties into the narrative). The story is the main attraction though, a lot of characters are more nuanced than they initially let on, and the plot ties so well with the rest of the series. It's just begging to be analyzed.

Though largely superfluous, there are still some nice stories to be found in these DLCs. Two's DLC really stood out to me for that, her descent into madness is well done, and uses the anime art style to push your suspension of disbelief as far as it will go. The rest of them weren't Earth-shattering, but they are some nice context. I just wish playing these in Japanese wasn't such a pain to do.