Kojima san, how many cutscenes and codec calls do you want in your game?
Kojima: yes.

I'd really, really love to rate MGS 2 higher, but to be honest, the game was a slog to play through. Mainly because it's not really a game. It's an interactive movie that occasionally let's you play for 5-10 minutes.
80% of the game consists of loooooooooong cutscenes and codec calls. I get that this was revolutionary in 2001, but it's kinda boring nowadays. I think MGS 1 had a better gameplay-to-cutscene ratio, which made it more entertaining. Plus, while there is some humor in MGS 2, it's missing the over- the-top, ridiculous dialogue that is in MGS 1.

The extremely samey looking environment throughout the whole game and the constant backtracking also didn't help to make the game more fun.
I also felt like the bosses were much more unique and interesting in MGS 1. Here, they were just kinda meh.

The ending and the plot twist towards the end of the game was really memorable though. It's crazy how relevant the game's message is today. That 4th wall breaking moment with colonel was downright creepy.

The game also has some really cool mechanics that were really impressive to see in a game from 2001.
For example, the way the enemies are patrolling, communicate with each other on the radio and call reinforcements. You can also disguise yourself by wearing the enemy's uniform and carrying their gun.

They also added lots of new equipment, which are really fun to use. For example, the tranquilizer gun, the microphone or the coolant spray.

There are lots of new additions in this sequel that I really appreciate, but the problem is that there is just not enough gameplay. So you don't really get to have fun with your new gear that much.

It's weird, because despite all the new additions, I still feel like this sequel was a bit of step back compared to MGS 1.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024


Exactly how I feel

18 days ago

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18 days ago

@GlizzyGobbler117 Yeah, I just read your review.
I just finished MGS 3 for the first time. I highly recommend playing it if you haven't played it yet. I felt like it was a million times better than 2. It has a much better gameplay-to-cutscene ratio, better story and better characters. Just make sure to pick up the Subsistence version.
@ChrisE That's awesome, I'm glad you liked it. I'm gonna start it tonight, I got the new Master Collection so that's how I played the other two for the first time.