Dark Souls is a commitment. You'll need to practice the combat, learn the bosses, and more than likely spend some time on wikis to even figure out what the hell is required to open that f&$%ing door. It will test your patience and consistently knock you down a peg. If you think you can stand up to that kind of pressure, I think that playing through and beating Dark Souls is an excellent experience. The thrill of finally beating a boss, or the confidence to sprint wildly through a section that used to force you to crawl behind a shield feels outstanding. By the end of this game, your journey belongs to you alone, and for that I think everyone who has an interest should at least give it a go. If the game beats you up and you put it down, no worries! There is an incredible amount of content out there if you're still interested. So, regardless of how you do it, there are plenty of ways to experience the Age of Fire.

Full essay here: https://www.guilded.gg/backlog/blog/Chris-Vs-Blog/Branded-by-The-Darksign

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2022
