For a game built entirely around the satisfaction of sorting things in an aesthetically pleasing or logical way, it does hit that sweet spot quite well. There's just a few too many puzzles where it's less about how you'd organise these items to be satisfied, and more you asking yourself 'what does the game want from me here, exactly?' The hint system is pretty useful for that, but not perfect. The puzzles also get rather reptitive after a while and lose a bit of their novelty and fun to figure them out, but this didn't bother me terribly since it mixes it up just enough. The music didn't really hit the right tone for me to feel fully zen while playing it, plus the game seemingly centred around this cat that keeps messing up your sorting by the end feels a tad random. It's a fun, relaxing diversion, but doesn't have much of an identity besides that. Still, if the premise of satisfying sorting seems like something you'd be into, this is the game for you!

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024
