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Last played

December 15, 2022

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Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

Run-of-the-mill fighter that's virtually indistinguishable from the massive bevy of other entries to the genre that were coming out in droves around this time. The beast system is its biggest nuance but it isn't interesting enough to warrant going to this one over even the first Virtua Fighter - which is still fun in all its blocky, zero-gravity simplicity all these years later. You can also just spam Alice's leg sweep and decimate most enemies without being touched - and it should be noted that I mostly just mashed every face button on the controller at random and beat the entire arcade mode in under 12 minutes without dying once. The options are crazy in-depth, though - and the autosave feature is a huge breath of fresh air given the era, way ahead of its time. Objectively solid but I was just not that into it, didn't grab me the same way a Mortal Kombat or Tekken would. And I'm sorry but some of these characters are - to put it bluntly - butt-ugly.