Pretty awesome little DOOM clone for the first half until it falls prey to thoughtless, bullet-spongey enemy spam. Even still, it's just too easy to root for this thing imo - it boasts incredible graphics for 1996 and (despite having the type of pre-analog-stick controls that eventually start sanding your thumb away on the D-pad) has first-person PS1 movement that doesn't feel clunky (if anything, it's actually a touch too slippy). Despite being Insomniac's first game, their knack for idiosyncratic sci-fi level design and eccentric weaponry are already immediately apparent - you don't have to look too deeply to see the seeds of what would later become Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, and even Fuse being sewn here. Cannot believe I hated the - to quote 50 Cent - "legendary corny" FMV cutscenes the first time I played this because honestly they're a hoot and holler: totally tossed-off exposition being delivered dead serious in sets that resemble a Chuck E Cheese, how can you not dig it at least a little bit? Great game if you turn it off after the Reactor level.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023
