Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

A deeply stupid spectacle that I have an unbreakable love for. Forget for a moment that it has Dante's best character design ever, forget that it has an atmospherically trippy story reminiscent of when you're at that perfect level of high and you start imagining super creative but nonsensical scenarios in your head (I particularly love the way in which in depicts how the corporate world still has a grip on the demon world), and forget that its wide array of enemy/boss styles are absurdly badass (magma bats, fleshy tanks/choppers, dapper suit-clad businessman with a revolver, a skyscraper that literally comes to life, and the penultimate boss is a chaotic blob of all the previous bosses) - even without all that it's still a blast. The broken 'square-button-mash-hell' combo system is really fun to manipulate to its limits, and even the big barren environments work imo - there's an eerie sense of isolation while being in such vast cities that are totally unpopulated. The true Achilles heel for me - making this feel its most unplayable - is its obtuse lock-on system which is by far one of the most inconvenient in all of gaming. But even still, I wish the other games acknowledged this one more. Is it the weakest DMC? Sure, but it still absolutely has its own, supremely dopey place in a series known for its madcap elements which don't at all feel out of place here. People who say this is one of the worst games ever made need to play more games.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2023
