When I think of the era this game released in, and, compare it with the FPSes of its era, like Medal of Honor or Call of Duty, and I think to myself.

"Which of these games would I want to re-play in the current day?"


The answer is obviously F.E.A.R but, this is definitely a top 5 contender!

It's a really fun game! Has a lot of the design philosophies of older shooters like Quake 2 but with a slower pace.

The weapons feel fantastic to use, the enemies are very fun to fight.

The horror aspects of it are incredibly well done!

But god, the dialogue and the story... it's like the game was slated for a T rating and thus there's basically no swearing, whatsoever.

As an example (and, minor spoiler for one of the levels): At one point you go through the under-belly of the Stroggification facility where you see the "Failed" Strogg experiments where they're distracted.

You see those utterly horrifying and disturbing zombified versions of your comrades, discarded as if they were garbage, in a genuinely awful shape, and on the inter-comm one of your buddies goes.
"Woah, those're freaking zombies!"

It sounds like a parody of what you think 90s dialogue is, even though this game was made in the mid-2000s, it's very weird and takes you out of the moment a lot of the time.

Still, very good game! Not as good as the other Quakes but that's a very high bar to try and cross.

I quite like it!

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2024
