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Gets old at like layer 2 of area 1. Rail shooting is usually the worst part of most games that have it, so making an entire game around it rarely works. And this one isn't even that good by rail shooter standards. The reticle moves too slow, and the visuals make it too difficult to see which shape damaged you. Not that you need to worry about being damaged 90% of the time, as enemies seem to only come on screen and fly off if you don't kill them, which makes the few that do try to attack you all the most dangerous. But chances are you won't get hit by the enemies in normal gameplay, as their attacks are generally slow moving projectiles, but during the bosses this same idea of only a few things being dangerous is present, but now which things are dangerous is far less telegraphed. In the third boss there's a phase where you have to destroy a bunch of lasers. Some of these lasers could hit me, and most of them couldn't. I had no idea which ones were even hurting me so I couldn't even focus on them.

I also found the whole lock on to 8 enemies mechanic to be pretty wasteful in this game. It seemed far more effective to just spam the X button to get 1 hit at a time, but at a faster rate. Since there didn't seem to be any bonus for hitting more targets at once, it just seems like hitting them one at a time is literally the exact same thing, but without the delay between shot 1 and shot 8, and not having to worry about any time between accidently going over "MAX" and letting go of the fire button.

The final boss goes on for way too long, having more forms than Freeza.

Area X is easily the best thing about the game, but even that gets boring before it even finishes its short playthrough. It also seems to remove the few things an already shallow game had, namely the evolution and overdrive. There did seem to be something regarding the character that worked like evolution, as they changed colour, but there's no evolution power-ups to make it clear, nor any indication of how it works in the tutorial for Area X. It just seemed kinda weird.

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2021
