When I reviewed Breath of the Wild I said it was an amazing game, but had some flaws that prevented me from giving it a perfect score. This game fixed almost none of those flaws (except motion control puzzles), added a few of its own, but all the additions and enjoyment that come out of this is just so damn good that I can't not give it a perfect score.

Only Nintendo can be like "We're not going to fix the problems, but we're going to make it so much fun that you won't care"

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2023


10 months ago

Well the game run a lot worst then botw so I guess they didn't fix all of the flaws..
But yeah I have pretty much the same opinion.

10 months ago

I do think Fusion makes Weapon Durability a lot easier to take in this one.

10 months ago

@SunlitSonata That's true. But they also kind of balanced it out by having the base weapons be all decayed from the gloom, effectively meaning fusion just brings it back to a more normal level rather than adding even more onto the base of the last game

10 months ago


You can do some pretty fun things with fusion in terms of say, making weapons more whiplike, attaching canons and rockets to swords and shields. It also means that you can effectively give most weapons two health bars, where even if they are weak to start with, getting it down to red status and then fusing it to something else resets the break counter. Very helpful given the addition of Weapon Traits like Improved Flurry Rush and Water Warrior.

Also, if you've broken a lot of weapons before you can find soldiers carrying unrusted ones in the Depths with a higher base power. I noticed in my most recent game session that I only ever had Gerudo weapons with their Strong Fusion trait around doing the Lightning Temple, they then broke a bit later, but I found even stronger ones carried in the Depths area corresponding to the desert, and by that point my arsenal had Silver Lynel stuff in it so the power counter could go from like, 12 to 20 all the way to past 100 with a fuse.