I'm torn on this one. I've been a fan of all the God of War games up until now, and I was excited to follow Kratos's story in 4 (sometimes I feel like the only guy that actually liked Kratos as a character before 4). And I truly love the story in 4, it feels like the perfect place to take him as someone who is finally trying to cope and move on from all the trauma and anger and murder. Outside of a bit of dumbness with the father-son relationship towards the middle, I think the writing is fantastic. But I just hate the direction the series has gone gameplay-wise, I'm sorry. Knowing that the game got rushed and that they had to make cuts for budget and time reasons makes PERFECT sense to me. It explains why there's such little enemy or boss variety, why they make you fight the same recolored boss monster like 12 times during the story mode. Recolored boss enemies in God of War!! It feels like a slap in the face to what the game originally was. It just doesn't feel like the gameplay is anywhere as high quality as it was in the other games, especially due to a frustrating and obscure gear system that made some enemy encounters excruciating. It's too bad that I would've gotten a better experience just watching a playthrough on Youtube, because most of my memories of playing the game are just slowly drifting around a big empty lake and occasionally fighting the same draugr enemies over and over. I'm not gonna make that mistake with Ragnarok.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2022
