2 reviews liked by Clofftai

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wanted to log it takes two

Decent little prequel opening for DR2

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero is a small arcade game meant to be a prequel to DR2 so if you are looking to play the franchise or DR2 in its entirety this is a good place to start. This small story picks up a year or so before the events of DR2 and serves as a pre story for DR2. It was originally marketed as a Demo for Dead rising 2 and for some reason was never added as DLC to the Remastered port of DR2 (or at least it wasn’t last time I checked). This is a very short 2–5-hour mini game that really acts as a DLC for DR2. The objective of this game is to fix a bike in a small town outside of Las Vegas after the Vagas city outbreak. There are a few minor objectives and things you can do around the town including help survivors with a psycho final boss. The level up system caps at level 5 and all money, unlocks, and levels carry over to the main game once finished so if you can get your hands on this game, it does give you a boost for the main story, so you aren’t starting at level one. Overall, for a small arcade game it isn’t bad but not super exciting either.