Back when Portal came out, there were a bunch of people who made 2D Portal demakes. There was a homebrew one on DS that I played and it was so disappointing. None of the clever ingenuity of the game it was copying was there. They were, frankly rubbish.

Anyway, The Pedestrian is more akin to what a 2D portal should be and it's absolutely sensational. It manages to add new twists and throw them away before they get stale, and every new twist comes at just the right time to stop the puzzles from becoming rote and boring. Honestly, I'm floored with how good this game is. The last puzzle made me audibly gasp with how clever it is. It is the only puzzle like it in the whole game and it could easily carry an entire puzzle game on its own. It's daft to say this on the 8th of January, but it's going to take some beating for my favourite game I play this year.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2022

1 Comment

Kami I'm playing this right now thanks to you and it's rad