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The AEW experience summed up in a video game. Get injured 3 matches into your career, be forced into a feud with Chris Jericho, have a heatless banger with Moxley on Rampage. Great stuff.

I'd question the honesty of any single person who gave this an even slightly positive review. Outside of a delusional AEW fan, anyone with eyes can recognize this is a piece of shit. The gameplay is not fun or reminiscent of No Mercy in the slightest. You can beat any singles match on any difficulty by simply using basic strikes. I won a triple threat against Omega and Moxley on normal difficulty in about 65 seconds without using a signature. It's unbelievably easy and basic.

Content wise it's laughable. No Mercy came out in 2001 and laps this fucking thing in every department. The Career mode is so bad. 12 storylines of nothing. You have next to no choice in anything that happens. Even if you reject a storyline you're still forced into it. There's some basic ideas that are interesting but nothing is well executed. You can plan out your day through workouts, doing bonus matches on Dark/Rampage (they're pointless), going out to eat, or random events like sightseeing, press conferences and MINIGAAAAAAMES. There's no substance here. You'll occasionally get a text based cutscene. If you're lucky the dialogue is so bad it's worth laughing at.

Outside of the bare bones story mode there's not much more to talk about. That's the hardest part of reviewing this game. How many times can you say, "there's an idea here but its not well executed"? I'm more than willing to give leeway for budget issues but where did the money go? Create-a-Wrestler is basic, every CAW looks the same. I like that Create-an-Arena was included but I used it maybe once. There's not much there either. The match types are lacking so much. No cage match? Backstage brawl? Tables? The game has fucking tables so what's the issue?? The company that does a gimmick match every week has none in their video game. If this thing was going for arcadey-fun at least crank that up and do the goofy gimmick matches we see in AEW.

The only other free mode added was Stadium Stampede. Very hokey, looks like a mobile game. You'll enjoy it some the first time and that's it. I don't even start on the minigames that could be programmed by an 8th grader.

In short: Not good.