im being honest I have no idea why this game has so many high ratings. It feels clunky as hell to play, the character creation is extremely limiting despite what they made it sound like. Pretty much the only good thing about this game to me are the graphics. Other than that, it's literally just a bad version of Divinity 2. Please go play Divinity: Original Sin 2. That game is a masterpiece and is much better than this

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2023


9 months ago

did we even play the same game? I love D:OS2, one of my favourite RPGs ever and this is definitely a step up in pretty much every aspect.


9 months ago


9 months ago

it feels very "disney-ish" to me. also the origin characters in dos2 were much much better than these characters. Also they let you choose from 8 different types of genitalia to put on your character but you can't even sculpt their face. you have to choose from like 5 different presets its so lame. the game itself is not even much better it just feels so clunky and slow especially with spells missing like 60% of the time if you're not permanently on high-ground. Also the RNG mechanic of dice rolling will just mess up your entire experience depending on if you just have good or bad luck. Maybe I just don't like DnD but this is such a let-down for me

9 months ago

I liked DOS2 because of the complete freedom it gave you to explore and do whatever you wanted and are not limited by your own good or bad luck when it comes to rolling a die. One more thing I want to add is wtf is up with the spell icons being like cheap neon outline traces? in DOS2 there were fully illustrated art pieces for each spell icon, now they're relegated to neon outlines of a certain shape/symbol

9 months ago

update 8/11/2023: they are on hotfix 3.0 at this point, and they have claimed on their twitter that they hotfixed over 650+ bugs. Wow, good on them fixing hundreds of bugs.... 8 days after launch... why did this game release in this state exactly? Really? 650+ bugs and Larian didn't catch a single one of them before launch date..? Due to the overwhelming amount of bugs the game has been such a drag for me and like I said before, it still feels slow and clunky to play. Much worse and slower than DOS2. Why are games still releasing in this state and why are we forgiving them for it? lmao