First-person lovecraftian horror with excellent atmosphere, good puzzles relying on physics interaction, and clever integration of survival elements.
What is really original about Amnesia is probably the management of light sources as the main game mechanic: in darkness the protagonist gradually loses sanity, it's therefore essential to light candles or lamps to avoid annoying maluses such as slowed movement speed and blurred vision; however, the relative scarcity of tinderboxes and lamp oil, along with the fact that in the light one is more exposed to being discovered by the horrors that populate the game world, leads to an effective building of tension upon which the entire horror experience is conceived, supported also by an outstanding sound design. Nowadays, it is possible that Amnesia may not present anything particularly never seen before, but in the context in which it was born it really turns out to be an indie gem that was able to achieve well-deserved success with great courage and effective ideas.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
