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In the heat of a firefight, Hell let loose does touch on something for a moment. A peephole of the sheer horror and cruelty of WW2, maybe.

But boy is it boring for 95% of the time. I get it's going for a Squad sort of thing, but it's such a pain in the ass to actually get to the combat here. Base spawns are usually a literal mile away from the centre of the map, which is usually where the combat is, they dont update with the moving objectives, and if you havent got one when you spawn in, you've probably gotta walk. If you're winning when that happens it could well be across the whole, ridiculously enormous maps.

And then when you get where you're going you're basically just playing day of infamy because the game basically funnels all 100 players into objective areas anyways. So why wouldn't you just be playing that? I dunno.

And the whole thing just doesn't have anything else to bring it up. It's very rough, particularly on PS5 where the lack of KB+M leads to the game feeling completely out of place. Quality of life features are terrible, text is barely legible, it controls kinda weirdly, online stability is a joke, you can't turn the damn controller microphone off when you end up on the Wermacht side and the """larpers"""" come out the woodwork. And there's just baffling decisions everywhere. Setting up team wide spawns can requiresmultiple players working in tandem - not to do anything interesting, but just to get the supplies in the same spot and do it. So in a public server, they may as well not exist and you have to rely on your teams officer. Who hopefully hasn't DC'd or something or you'll be forced to do western europe walking Sim 1944 for another 10 minutes before you get sniped from an MG34 and have to do it again.

Just play Day of Infamy. Or Squad, or Insurgency, or something anything else. HLL has some technical chops and has some cool viscerality to it, but it's just really not worth it.