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Ash has already done a very good review of this game which I won't try to live up to, read it, it's probably on top of the feed rn. So I won't go too deep into the game here, honestly.


The #2 assasin in No More Heroes, Bad Girl, in her introduction, after murdering a bunch of gimps on a conveyer belt with a baseball bat, sits down, downs a beer, and despite being waaaaay too into the murder, remarks on it being the daily grind.

Whilst the more ridiculous, meta and upfront stuff comes in the following hour or so, this moment, which by no means is unsubtle, is what hit me most in NMH. Even this absolutely batshit lady who i want to step on me is stuck in the grind.

Because that's what NMH really is about for me. This absurd narcissistic fantasy story about travis where he's forced to rise and grind, GET THAT BREAD from working shitty jobs, doing deadlifts that demand way too many A presses, giving money to a grift, live like shit and only really finding solace in porn, getting way too into this one girl that pays attention to him and his delightfully low-poly kitten.

You ride around a shitty town on your piece of shit badly handling motorcyle, passing the same streets over and over going between a few locations just trying to eek out the living you want. Even if that living is heroic, or bullshit, the grind is all the same. Money is what makes things spin in this world. You can get caught up in your murderous fantasies and adventures all you want, but when it comes to us third-raters? Me, Travis, Bad Girl, we've got to pay rent all the same.

It's probably not the thing everyone takes from no more heroes. It's a game so heavily driven by vibes and themes that people are always going to latch onto different portions of it.

But for me, it's just that. We've all got to grind out paths. It won't be easy, whatever choices we make, whatever route we go down. So, we may as well take our true path.

Reviewed on Jul 05, 2021
