The journey to become the #1 assassin begins with a single slice. No More Heroes is the story of Travis Touchdown. He has received orders to kill a vagabond. In front of him appears the handsome assassin Helter Skelter. After a fierce skirmish, Travis eliminates Skelter, upon which Silvia Christel arrives. She informs Travis that his victory was done without UAA permission, but he nonetheless becomes the 11th best assassin. And so Travis’s journey begins. No More Heroes will offer an exhilarating action experience, a thrilling scenario, stylish visuals, and sounds.

Also in series

No More Heroes III
No More Heroes III
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

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No More Heroes is a one-of-a-kind game where you can sense that the director's vision was not meddled with one bit. It demands that you play by its rules, and rewards you with some of the most over-the-top characters you can find.

Tedious with janky controls. The tone got old within the first few minutes.

I don’t think the combat or story is this game are anything too special, but all the aspects of this game somehow come together as a whole for a very charming experience.

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A lot of No More Heroes is very intentional: its unorthodox gameplay and sense of humor help tell its narrative and meta-narrative. It's often over-the-top, sometimes vulgar, and very often tedious and/or unpolished. But for most of my playthrough, I was willing to overlook all that in exchange for how well-written its story and themes were.

...What the fuck is this game's ending?

I get that Jeane represents Travis' original goal as opposed to the shallow, artificial goals he chases all game. She is relevant to the game's themes, even if she might initially seem like an asspull. But for some reason, the game treats her like she is an asspull. Right before the final boss, the game decides to break the fourth wall and explain away Jeane's entire backstory at hyperspeed because otherwise it would "jack up the game's age rating". This moment feels, to me, like the game refusing to take its story seriously for the sake of comedy.

And I know it's a fool's errand to expect a game like this to be "grounded", but up until this point it at least felt grounded in its own ridiculous universe. Everything felt like it built Travis' character or the world in some way, and I was legitimately invested. But there doesn't really seem to be a point to this joke. The fight and ending would play out exactly the same way without it, they would just feel more significant. Hell, I don't even mind the joke in a vacuum. If it was a one-off gag they pulled halfway through, I wouldn't bat an eye. But using it at the very end just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And they do the same thing again in the true ending!

I realize this is a...30-second long scene, at most? I know it's probably shallow of me to dock points for such a small part of the game. But honestly, with the issues that built up over the course of my playthrough, it was damn shame the game didn't stick the landing. Call it the straw that broke the camel's back, call it a nitpick, call it missing the point, I'm calling it here. Thank you, and good night.

Like Chainsaw Man but the lady in a suit isn't that hot