This game has one hell of a compelling presentation. Debris flies all around you as the environment is blown to bits in every gunfight. It's something ripped right out of a John Woo movie. A level of gunfight destruction gaming wouldn't really see again until, what, F.E.A.R.?

Unfortunately, I find this game to be a bit "all style, no substance" for me. I just do not like the full auto machine gun gameplay in this. To compensate for players having a machine gun with a massive magazine, they just give every enemy massive health pools so that the entire thing turns into a bullet sponge waiting game. Hold teh trigger for 2 seconds until the basic enemy dies, then switch to the next basic enemy.

Bosses are where this gets way worse. Every one of them, save for the tank which I really dug, feels about twice as long as it should be. There's too much holding the fire button down for 10 seconds at a time, emptying your mag into a static boss, only to repeat this process again on its fourth, fifth, sixth or however many phases. The tank is the only fight that never felt like it dragged on too much for me; it's just so much more dynamic than the other fights, with both the player's position/angle and the tank's patterns totally changing with each "phase" of the fight. The rest of them just feel like they repeat the same phase over and over.

Still, a great bit of spectacle. There's a bonus mod that lets you use the classic TC pistol instead of a machine gun and I should do a replay and see if that improves things for me.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2024
