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Time Played

0h 38m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 2, 2021

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


[Disclaimer: I was a beta tester for this game before it launched]

Wouldn't it be nice to escape the doldrums of life? Go back to the womb and not have to deal with the suffering existence entails? Stay in your happy place for the rest of your days?

Within the walls of a genius loci apartment complex located somewhere in Russia, our protagonist Lera explores a recreation of her own memories after leaving home and driving into the middle of a harsh snowstorm. While the influences on FBC are very apparent, calling to mind the original Silent Hill with it's snow, it's rust, it's ethereal ambient soundtrack and focus on psychological horror, it manages to set itself apart with it's distinctly European sensibilities and it's use of body horror and visceral bodily imagery a la Saya no Uta's weird meat dimension to unsettle the player and create this nauseating atmosphere that permeates the entire experience. It's themes of existentialism are heavy yet executed with tact and grace, and it's short runtime makes for an experience akin to a Twilight Zone episode or a Junji Ito one-shot. It's about half-an-hour to complete and it's perfect way to kick off the Halloween season if you love RPG Maker horror games.