Now this is where the series started to die imo. The only shining light about this game is some of the campaign. I say some as the rest is dogshit. The multiplayer isn't good and is for me the first bad COD multiplayer. The futuristic theme is god awful and just doesn't work. This is also where the microtransactions came in too., so it's already bad in my books, but the campign has some good moments in fairness. Such a hit and miss game

Now this was disappointing. I had high hopes after all the trailer and really liked the concept of a civil war in a war torn America but the execution of this game was really poor. I respect them for trying something different with the new extinction mode but it's only an enjoyable experience the first time round. It's not as bad as some people say but for me it's very mediocre

The best in the series for me. One of my favourite games of all time as well. Incredible multiplayer, incredible campaign and a.... fine zombies mode. The futuristic setting actually works here unlike in others

One of the most frustrating games in COD's history. Had ever right to be superb with a great campaign but the rest just feels like a carbon copy from MW2 with only a few new additions. Still a good game though, just a slight disappointment

It's insane how good the early COD games were. The zombies mode in this is incredible, great multiplayer and a good campaign. If I had to say the most overrated in the series however I'd say this one. It's still superb but for me it's not as good as some people say

Not the best COD for me but it's top 2. In it's prime it was something else. Multiplayer is incredible with a superb campaign and great spec ops. Is essentially took everything about COD 4 and improved upon it

Fantastic campaign and a revolutionary zombies mode that still holds up today. Only issue for me is the multiplayer which imo ain't that good. But the incredible campaign and story is what makes this game awesome

This game revolutionized the COD series and the FPS genre as a whole. Incredible campaign and one of the best in the series

For me one of the greatest games ever made. Mental how such a simple game can be so popular and deserves it. One of the main games that got me into gaming. Easy to understand and play. One of the GOATS

This game was the almost perfect finale. It's still a very satisfying conclusion to the Arkham series but a few things should've been done better really. Such as the batmobile which I really wish wasn't shoved down your throat every 5 minutes but the writing and characters are superb. This game looks phenomenal and the attention to detail is astonishing. The combat is the best combat is perhaps any game ever. If you take out the stupid stealth tank sections then this game becomes infinity better and possibly the best Arkham game if it's replaced by something good. Most of the side missions are great but when they're bad they're absolutely terrible and so disappointing yet the good ones are incredible. One last point, the ending section where it's like a horror FPS is masterful and so well done. This game is the definitive Batman expierence and I would've given it 5/5 had it not had woeful boss fight, obsession with the batmobile and a couple of narrative issues. But overall I love this game.

Called the worst in the Arkham series by many. I'd say 'least best' as it's still a fantastic game but not quite on the level of the other for me. Still superb though as it really makes you feel as though it's a younger version of the Arkham Batman and it never makes you question that as you can tell he's still learning with how aggressive he is. Also the boss fights kick ass especially the Deathstroke one

Best superhero game ever made bar none. Took what the first one did well and expanded upon it big time. Possibly the best game sequel ever made too. Love it with a passion. It's side missions are the best in the series as is the story itself. Every villain in this game is done well and the boss fights are incredible. The whole atmosphere of this game is something that I feel goes under the radar big time as well. The side missions are another superb element, mainly the Hush one which is just great, the little twist at the end of it is so good.

Incredible game that set the premise for the Arkham series. To some degree this game helped turn me into a Batman fan. Not the best in the series imo but an absolute masterpiece non the less. Really revolutionized the superhero gaming genre as we know it. I dislike the titan stuff so much yet love the Scarecrow encounters and other horror elements so much as they are done so damn well. Speaking of horror the atmosphere that this game has is second to none, probably my favourite atmosphere in any game ever. The boss fights (disregarding the Scarecrow ones) are pretty meh. Even if you aren't into superhero stuff I guarantee you'll enjoy this game

Probably my favourite game of all time. One of the first I ever played and I've loved it ever since