Yeah I love this game. One of the best sequels ever made as it didn't have much material to expand upon with but it went and did it anyway. Claptrap is one of my favourite characters ever and the storyline is great. The humour is great and never dries out. Perhaps one of the most underrated games of all time

Actually a fun game lol. Graphics are quite good all things considered and the quests aren't too demanding but offer something to do. The map is really good for such a small game and it really didn't have to be much else gameplay wise. The citizen dialogue is quite funny and the theme of parody is very present in this game but isn't a bad thing. This game is one big piss take after all and if nothing else, Goat Simulator 3 does this very well.

I can't give this a rating for a number of reasons. Overall this is San Andreas at it's core but that's the main issue. It's meant to be a remaster but as far as they go this is a poor excuse for one. It's honestly one of the most laziest 'remasters' I have ever seen in my entire life.

Lines are cut, the rain looks horrible, there is no graphical or gameplay improvements..... if anything they look worse, so what was the point of this? I know when people want to try a game out for the first time they'll get the remastered version as they'll think it'll hold up better than the originals but if you want my honest opinion, if you want to play San Andreas then just play the original. There is nothing Definitive about this. Literal fans made a better game than this. By no means is the game bad but it feels like a carbon copy of the original with nothing unique

A very strange game. Just a bit of a mad shooter than relies on total craziness. Not the worst game I've ever played but it's a bit of a mess. Also how you can miss out so many characters when making a Resident Evil smash bros game is beyond me. I get they're adding them more down the line but I feel like that's an error. It's invertedly a Dead By Daylight competitor when I don't think that's Capcom were aiming for. Though it's somehow not as good.

Wow. After hearing the announcement of this game I sighed, after the Avengers game I really thought this would follow suite of having a very bland an uninspired story but holy hell was I wrong. I was never going to get this game but after a friend heavily suggested it claiming it to be his 'favourite game of all time' I reluctantly bought it and to say I'm glad I did would be an understatement. This game was everything that it needed to be.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is proof that the genre of single player superhero games is far from dead. This may be a bold claim/unpopular but the characterization of the Guardians in this game is better than the MCU, there I said it. This story being told here is also better than both of the films combined. It's a goofy, fun, and crazy game with some genuine heartfelt moments in it. There are a few twists here and there that actually caught me off guard and work really well. One complaint I have is that I wish there were more Peter and Nikki stuff, it seems like he isn't as hellbent as he should be when discussing the probability of saving her with the team, he did think that she was his daughter at that point after all. But the stuff that we did get with them was great and brilliantly executed.

The combat system is another real highlight but for me the best integration that this game bring to the table is the huddle system. Motivating yourself and your team then blasting some absolute tunes whilst taking on an army? Oh it's so awesome. The dynamic between each Guardian is fantastic and you may think that the constant interaction will annoy you after a while but it actually allows them to develop their relationships really well. My only issue in that regard is the constant repeating of dialogue at times but I can overlook it. Overall GOTG is a masterful game and the best superhero game I have played since Batman: Arkham City. Well done Square Enix, now give us a sequel pretty please?

Finally getting round to the Bioshock games. First and foremost Bioshock is a brilliant game. I don't think it's quite what some people make it out to be but it definelty still holds up today. The story is easily the best part about it. It has great writing and some scenes really stand out, such as 'that' scene with Andrew Ryan at the end. "A man chooses, a slave obeys". All I'll say is that twist was awesome. Speaking of quotes the dialogue in this game some of the best I've seen in gaming. Also the setting and ambience is second to none. The game starts off initially quite spooky but as they game goes on it it does lose it's fear factor a bit, apart from any encounter with a Big Daddy those guys are terrifying. Speaking of the whole dynamic and story behind them and the Little Sister's is one of my favourite elements this game has to offer, also Tenenbaum is a great character, just thought I'd say, though this game only has good characters in fairness. One that was a true highlight to me was Sander Cohen. That fight scene where Waltz of the Flowers plays is just magical. Another huge plus I can give this game is it's lack of cutscenes. This is not something that most people pick up on but the avoidance of cutscenes means that the player is always in the moment, and when you're in moments that are crucial to the story this can really help immerse you, and boy it certainly immersed me. One last point, the audio logs are masterful. Incredibly written and they really help you piece together the lore and story behind everything. An amazing start to the Bioshock trilogy and I hope it only gets better as I progress.

I'm fighting my childhood memories and nostalgia by not giving this 5 stars because played this.... a lot. Like a lot. With Trigger happy being my go to Skylander. I loved it so much but looking back it's not quite was I thought it was and the cash grab intentions are clearly there and I hate the concept of having to buy a character just to play as them. But it was still awesome nontheless

After Modern Warfare 2019 I really thought that the COD series had turned it back around and we'd be returning to the glory days on 2007-12 in terms of quality. Both Modern Warfare and Cold War delivered but Vanguard has just been a massive misstep.

The campaign is a mess. It's just bland and uninspired. After the initial mission the game makes heavy use of flashbacks to give an insight into the background of the main team members. And when I say heavy use of flashbacks I mean the entire game is pretty much just flashbacks and I struggle to put into words how disappointing I find that. After seeing the trailers and other promotional material like screenshots for the campaign I genuinely thought it could be the most unique campaign we've had so far. But unfortunately Sledgehammer went for the safest and most boring option they could've. But this really shouldn't come as a shock, this is the same company that made COD WW2, that game was the definition of safe and uninspired. I don't mind a flashback here and there as if implemented correctly then it can be quite good but when the entirety of the story is just based around flashbacks then instantly many lose interest. I hope that companies stop making WW2 games if they aren't prepared to portray it with some balls. Since WAW we've never had a game fully commit to showing the atrocities that actually took place during the second world war. And I'm not asking for someone to make an incredibly in depth, heartbreaking, grim and gritty WW2 game but if you're going to make a censored, bare bones, by the book, clean and boring one then just don't bother. I understand that not many people play COD for the campaign but if you're going to have it in the game at least try for the people who, like me, really enjoy playing through story modes. It seemed COD learned their from mistake with Black Ops 4 and made fantastic campaigns for Modern Warfare and Cold War but this, whilst not inherently bad, was just generic. Also compared to how many different options you had in Cold War Vanguard story is just too linear and feels like you have no freedom. Something Sledgehammer seem to boast about is their portrayal of different types of people in their games, I mean it's clear if you play WW2 but in Vanguard you have an Australian who is based on actual war hero. Nice work Sledgehammer. Expect the person they based him off is from New Zealand. So they couldn't even be bothered to do proper research.

Now the multiplayer is the best part of the game. But despite this I don't have many good things to say about it. The gunplay is better than the last game's but that's the best addition. Apart from the breakable walls there is nothing that it tries to do differently than the last few but I guess that's just call of duty now. The maps are painfully generic and dull just like the UI design. It's clear that the developers didn't care about this game being unique or special they were just content with it being the same as the last few especially Modern Warfare 2019. I know quite a few people have been saying that if you like previous COD multiplayers then you'll like this one due to how formulaic it is, but no, because at least previous games have tried to feel different. If I played something like Modern Warfare 2 then compared it to Vanguard it would be scary just how different it is. I really don't how anything else to say about it, but just one last thing can we please get rid of the elimination system, just go back to the way the kill system used to be if you get a kill you get a kill, if it ain't broken don't fix it.

Now onto the last thing. The Zombies. Now I know a few people, me included, were looking forward to Vanguard's zombies and it was being developed by Treyarch, so everyone thought it would be good, expect it's not. It's a monumental disappointment. I don't think it's as bad as some people are making it out to be but I think many were expecting more. Just like the rest of this game it is generic. There is no style, love, soul or frankly anything to it. Cold War Zombies was a bit too easy I think and I didn't think it was possible to make it easier, but someone Vanguard achieved it. At least Cold War Zombies was at the very least fun and enjoyable but just like the rest of the game Vanguard's Zombies mode is boring, safe and generic. It's like during the development of this mode they looked at what Zombies fun, engaging, awesome etc and intentionally took those things out. Zombies in the past is known for it's secrets, it's intrecesy and complexity but here it just feels watered down and stripped on anything that made the previous ones replayable. This is a bold claim but for me this is the first COD Zombies in history with no personality or depth. I don't mind easter eggs and having an objective based Zombies mode but it's getting the point where the main objective isn't to survive anymore it's just too do some random bullshit that nobody cares about. I remember the good old days of World At War to Black Ops 2 where you used to just play with your friends and see how long you could survive for it was awesome. But now they've pushed the objective based approach way too far and it's making Zombies....boring. But it's obvious by this point that they've forgotten what Zombies was and I can't see a return for a while to come. Despite the multiplayer being easily the best part of the game even that isn't fun. Overall the game is just very formulaic, doesn't even try to make the game stand out in the series and the words boring and generic don't even begin the describe it.

Dumb fun. Apart from the gunplay being absolute ass but exclude that and you've got a pretty fun fortnite/overwatch-esque gameshow game thing. It's pure chaos and I'm a big fan of the style and mechanics that give it a sort of nostalgic feel if that makes any sense.

Needless to say I will be checking this game out upon full release. The heavy is super fun to use and just smash through the entire map and the light is great for the grapple hook. For mindless action fun this game is perfect to just switch your brain off and go shooty shooty.

Can be a really fun game to pass the time and is free on Xbox game pass, that's how I discovered it anyway. The main problem is that it can get quite boring if played for a prolonged period of time but if you're playing with a friend then that's when the most fun is had. Me and a friend went through almost every unit there is to choose from to find out what the best team you can build is and we came to the conclusion that it was anything involving the Da Vinci Tank or The Chronomancer. Also the Minotaur happens to be pretty good too. Overall I'd recommend it if you want some dumb fun

Such a great game. This game redefines what it means to be a remake. I really like how the two stories are intertwined with each other. One of the scariest games I've ever played if I'm honest. I personally enjoyed Claire's campaign a lot more than Leon's but Leon's was still really good. My main issue however are certain painful puzzles that sometimes ruin the pacing and flow of the story that they clearly made really difficult to stretch the game out. Also I would've liked the stories to be a little bit more different as some moments felt like I was doing the same thing as before. But overall this game kicks ass and I would seriously recommend playing it. You do really have to use your brain however. Since I'm stubborn and refuse to search up tutorials it took me so long to complete but I think that it was worth it.

Homecoming had some tremendous design behind it with the Nurses looking the best they ever have. That scene with the drill is grim. Overall the ambience and feeling that Homecoming has to offer is very good and it's not as bad as some people make it out to be. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be

The idea of combining Halo and Portal is such an interesting concept, but is it pulled off well here? Yeah it'd say it's done quite well here. The gunplay is fine and it's a fun game but it certainly has it's issues. The most fun part of the game is also the worst part with that being the portals. They are very fun when used well but there is a lack of places you can actually use them which kinda sucks. The different game modes are fun as well they're not something that hasn't been done better elsewhere. However I would very much recommend this as it is so fun. As I said before the portals are easily the best part of the game and when you pull off a really smart play you feel like a genius

Superb from start to finish. Only issue is at times it does feel a bit too long at times but it's totally worth it and for me is Rockstar's best game. A masterpiece to say the least. The story captivated me like no other game has really done before and the character development is phenomenal throughout. People who say video games can't be masterpieces or on the same levels as movies should play this game. An unforgettable experience that leaves you with so many memorable moments and quotes. This could genuinely be one of the greatest games ever made in my opinion. The character of Arthur Morgan is perhaps one of the most impactful characters I've ever had the honor of playing as.