I wanted to play this game for a couple of hours just to see how it was and now I'm over 80 hours on record. I really needed to relax so it's probably for the best, but I digress.
Vermintide 2 is a straight upgrade for Vermintide 1, most of the core mechanics make a return so the biggest difference is the new content. By this I mean new classes, maps, challenges, etc.
As a result for anyone who didn't like the first one the sequel is unlikely to win them over but for those who do there's pretty much no reason to play the first game over this one. As I said, it's a straight upgrade.
However, for people who don't enjoy games like Left4Dead Vermintide might just win them over thanks to the focus on melee combat. Lower difficulties might lead you to believe that spamming left click is all you need in order to win but you quickly learn that levels and talents are far less important than the moveset and properties of your current weapon. It's not too complicated when you break it down but being able to land headshots consistently and staggering certain enemies makes a world of difference. In short, the combat is largely skill based, a lot of fun and had enough depth to keep me interested even after the 10.000th Skaven slave kill.
Another aspect which I found endearing were the Ubersreik Five, also known as the playable cast. They have a lot of personality and the casual interactions between them are just overflowing with character. It really makes you give a damn about what you are doing in each mission, especially if you are anything like me and prefer playing with bots most of the time.
On that note, the game can't be played offline which is a real shame since that is possible in the console version. I would really like if it was for conservation purposes because I really like this game.
About the story, you don't really need to play the first game in order to understand what's going on. If you want to get into Warhammer Fantasy don't blame me when you are reading wiki articles at 4 AM. It's a lot of fun though and enhances the game immensely because there's a significant degree of attention to detail when it comes to made-up lore.
Finally, the game has some DLC but it's downright generous by current standards (and compared to Darkide). Most of it is cosmetic and I think the characters already look pretty good by default. Also, what classes and weapons are meta change with the time so it's not like any of it is mandatory to stay relevant. Right now as I'm writing this the strongest class is Witch Hunter Captain which you unlock after beating the tutorial.
Anyway, this game is great and I hope it doesn't die when it stops being profitable to keep the servers up.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
