Super Cyborg is a run and gun sidescroller that's heavily inspired by the Contra series.
It's kind of insane how similar it is to those games; the controls, the enemy designs, the music, the weapons, the sound effects, etc. Normally one would think it would be a negative to copy another game this much, but honestly the developer did such a good job at it that I'm frankly impressed.
The gameplay is fast paced and challenging, and the controls are as tight as ever. One of the things that I like the most about it (and also the Contra games) is how effortless it is to perform maneuvers such shooting in any of the cardinal directions while airborne, so many sidecrollers feel stiff by comparison.
There's also a toggle for staying in place while shooting (which can also be held down) and every weapon has a chargeable attack which are some very nice quality of life features and exactly the kind of thing I wish the originals had.
I'm also biased because I really liked Super C as a kid, but I don't care. Super Cyborg is great, a worthy Contra successor, and, even if you suck at it, anyone can beat it with the extra lives code which you can turn on at the start screen so crying about the difficulty is not an excuse. Here you go, and have fun:
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Reviewed on Jul 26, 2022
