guys what the fuck
i have never been more invested in a video game for 3 days straight this is all i was able to think about.
i have a chemistry exam tomorrow
i am so fucked

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023


5 months ago

Good luck on the exam!

5 months ago

What topics will the test include/cover?

5 months ago


Hoping you manage to get up to speed with that test!
Gl man

5 months ago

Explain your situation to your chemistry teacher if he doesnt let you pass turn him into a Deathcard

5 months ago

hell, turn your entire class into a deathcard

5 months ago

awe thanks guys

2 months ago

did you pass

2 months ago

@Petabik I passed, if there is one thing that i have learned from inscryption it is that study is actually not real, you don't actually have to do it. thanks inscryption