Almost entirely perfect in every conceivable way. Not only is this astonishingly good in regards to writing and direction, the technical aspect is truly unlike anything you've ever seen. The amount of work and dedication this must have taken is mind-boggling, and it shows in the game. You basically have three full movies that tell their own story and are accurate recreations of the style of film from their respective era, you have the behind-the-scenes story of Marissa Marcel and co., as WELL AS the secret-secret story that the game is about. It's incredible.

The only issue is that this game is HARD to beat. There's no real direction about how to complete it and see the conclusion to the themes and ideas the game is exploring, so I was pretty checked out of the experience by way of furiously searching walkthroughs.

Other than that, a masterpiece. Like I said: NEAR perfect.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
