While lacking in levels and some inconistency polish the first entry has, it widely compensates and outright out dates it's combat with superb refinement unique additions along with such a large variety of bosses tones genres and a balls to the wall splash of creativity that I've never seen in any other art form. Buy it and you're in for unforgettable trip on death road
I'll never forget the first time Playing this. Was one hell of a day and I had no idea what was instore for me. Oooo and what the fuck every hour with my buddies watching till the end. It was my first time without anything spoilt for me and I was not ready. My first kill had me and the Bois cheering with the line "GET THE FUCK OUT" and then the kill screen showed up and my head absolutely grooves Everytime I see it. Even with 140+ hours in. I just can't find anything else like this that scratches such an absurd raw violent what the fuck itch anywhere else that just for some reason speaks to me like no there piece of media ever. This game rules and deserves on better hardware/to have suda full development time and budget control the next time round. I can't get enough. Fuck head.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2021
