This game was burried hard into my subconscious. I knew I heard if it before and saw it as a kid. I remember my parents shying me away from it at a young age. And I thought really fucking hard and then I started searching everywhere for it. Gave up cause I wouldn't be able to find the money for it let alone a copy that would bankrupt me. After months of me crying and pondering about this game that was so far from reach. I saved juusst enough from a copy that was decently priced and had everything intact. Thank god I bought a wiiu as well. And this game has given me so much wonderful suprises references and a mix of emotions and attachments I didn't expect to have experienced. Having to literally masturbate my copyright free beam Katana while suplexing day to day goons in between doing mundane chores like mowing lawns or picking up trash to pay for fights. I couldn't get enough of how unique this was to me. Wonderfully odd and well written and everything had its purpose. The fact you had to drive to location to location and save it hard earned money for expensive clothes and upgrades. And the fact you for scammed for it all in the end(later retconned) made me feel like an actual fucking idiot. It also served great distraction from the combat as replaying the game allows one to skip all chores and side missions due to how new game plus works+economy which makes the game 1/3 shorter but also more repetitive as the games combat after long periods of time subjected to it in sequence gets repeated due to the lack of depth. Hence why I feel like the side stuff and gigs will have two audiences. 1 they'll find it annoying and like a complete pace breaker or 2 enjoys the added variety that adds to the overall enjoyment of start to finish. For me it definitely adds some much needed extra 'mini games' to help make the game feel less repetitive much to the popular contrast where most feel like it adds repetition. Like Travis touchdown is literally a loser who watches anime has and anime body pillow and the game forces me to jerk off. It was perfect to all my personal dream check boxes and more that it's my favourite series now. Premise so simple yet subtext so deep and utterly enthralling. Also the theme catchy as hell. May have some rough dough edges but it's got a heart of gold and I wish people would play this more.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

thank you brandon