Tearaway was a fun platformer with an awesome construction paper aesthetic. It also used the Vita in some really interesting ways, like the camera and the rear touchpad. The only real negative I have with the game was that at times the controls and camera didn't perform exactly as expected. There were times where ledges/platforms would get missed - usually because of weird camera angles/camera movement. But aside from those gripes this was still a beautiful and charming game that was well worth playing through.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

I didn't see the camera as problem in this game. I think the game has a good gameplay but could me better.

They sould focus more on the story. It was really intersting how they use the camera to make you a special god or whaterever, but it should have more those things in the story of the game.

Your're right. It's a charming game.