I recently started the Metroid series from scratch for one reason: to play Metroid Fusion. I had always been intrigued by this game, thinking it looked a bit different from the rest of the series, but I just never had a chance to actually play it until recently. After finishing up Zero Mission, Samus Returns, and Super Metroid I was all ready to finally give this game a whirl.

Sadly, I did not enjoy Metroid Fusion. I don't feel it was a bad game, but in my opinion, it is the weakest game in there 2D series. My main issue with it was that it relied too heavily on the mechanic of blasting random walls to find the path forward. This mechanic has always been my least favorite aspect of the series, but at least in Samus Returns and Super Metroid you gained abilities that helped make things less obtuse (aeon scan in SR, X-Ray Visor in SM). I swear that half of my play time in Fusion was spent shooting/bombing random wall and floor tiles in hopes of finding the path forward. The mechanic really only exists to pad out the play time and I feel it is the game's biggest downfall.

Another issue I had with Fusion is that the "world" you explore is far less interesting than the ones in the previous games. In Fusion you find yourself in a science research station, which I liked the idea of, but felt that it lacked the mystery and intrigue of exploring a foreign planet. The different sectors of the research station varied from one another slightly, but they were nowhere near as varied as the areas found in other games in the series. (On a side note, this is supposed to be a research station where regular scientists work, right? But the areas are clearly designed to be maneuvered by someone with abilities akin to Samus... so am I to believe that scientists are space jumping around just to get to the breakroom?)

I also really disliked most of the bosses in Fusion. I will admit that they were more varied and interesting than most of the bosses from the earlier games, but I found their movement and attack patterns to be generally cheap and annoying (I'm looking at you, Nightmare). Each boss felt like more a test of endurance than skill as each boss required an absolute ton of damage to take them down, and each hit by them resulted in a huge loss of health to Samus. The save points for some of these bosses were placed infuriatingly far away too, which further added to my frustration. There were even a few times that I almost gave up on the game entirely because of these battles. I managed to get through them all in the end, but they were my least favorite boss battles in the entire series.

(One bonus complaint: after acquiring the final upgrade I was locked out of exploring the research station for some reason (you get locked in any Navigation room you enter, forcing you to progress to the final boss). I had planned on going back to get some missed upgrades before attempting the final boss, but I couldn't. Very strange game design for this style of game, if you ask me.)

Now that I have the negatives out of the way I suppose I should mention a few things I liked about the game. First, I really liked how much story there was in Fusion. Prior games in the series had just a few tidbits of a story here and there but Fusion's story is fully fleshed out and quite interesting. It ties in nicely to prior games in the series and also connects to the story in Metroid Dread too. The story was definitely Fusion's strongest aspect. Additionally, the game looked great. The sprite design was good and was well animated. The world design overall was less interesting than previous games, but it still looked fantastic.

Overall, I was quite disappointed by Metroid Fusion. The world was less interesting the previous entries in the series and exploring it was hampered immensely by the need to bomb/shoot hidden blocks just to progress with the story. I found the bosses to be the most annoying of the series, with a few of them almost making me give up on the game entirely. Fusion isn't necessarily a bad game, but I do consider it to be the worst game in this fantastic series.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2022


1 year ago

This game is in my backlog and I was excited to play it. After read everything yous said, i'm not hyped anymore :(
@LeonardoMF93 don't let my review hold you back from playing it. I didn't feel it was a bad game, but I liked it less than I had hoped I would. It is very short too (about 4-5 hours), so if you're looking for a quick game to get through it is definitely worth trying.
Nightmare’s probably my favourite boss in this game, it’s patterns weren’t too hard to pick up on and I especially loved the buildup to it with it’s silhouette flying around behind the glass when you pass through that area earlier in the game, then you come back and the glass is all shattered.
That spider on the other hand…